I'm often asked about my life, so let's chat...

Growing up, my narrative was different than most. With a father who was 60 years my senior and a mother whose memory is but a fleeting moment, childhood offered more challenges than playgrounds. By the tender age of 11, roles were reversed - my concern wasn't about school projects, but about my aging father. By 14, the world saw me as 'homeless', but I felt it was merely the start of an incredible journey.

At 18, as I grappled with my own identity, Tony Robbins’ "Awaken the Giant Within" landed in my hands. More than just pages filled with words, it was a torchlight in a dim tunnel, illuminating the fact that while the past might shape us, it doesn't confine us.

This enlightenment propelled me into arenas of bodybuilding, the sheer thrill of bull riding, and the demanding world of entrepreneurship. Each episode, whether an uphill battle or a triumphant win, refined my vision and purpose.

But perhaps the most transformative role I ever undertook was becoming a father. A single dad, devoted to Tatham, my world has taken on new hues. As I strive daily to be the best version of a father for him, my journey converged on a mission to aid other men in realizing their true potential.

For over 20 years, I've been in the trenches, guiding and motivating men to evolve. Whether it's becoming a more present father, a supportive partner, or just a better version of oneself, I've walked alongside countless individuals, restoring their masculine balance and helping them achieve their zenith.

In a world swirling with fleeting definitions of masculinity, terms like INTEGRITY, HONOUR, and ARETE have transcended from mere words to principles that I imbue in every facet of my life. It's less about labels or brands and more about shaping the man I see in the mirror, especially in the reflection of my son's eyes. It's about the legacy I'm crafting for my son and the footprint I hope to leave in the hearts of the men I coach.

Thank you for allowing me to share a snippet of my life's tapestry with you. Whether our paths intersect for a season or a moment, I hope our stories find resonance in each other.


“I help good men become great, so they can lead with confidence and integrity.”


"After I'd built a life I was wildly proud of, mastering what it means to have it all, I started leading others through that proven path.”


“Men must get clear on what matters most or risk losing it all.”